Monthly Archives: August 2022
- August 01, 2022
Gas lighting was the most popular means of illumination before electric lighting became widespread and economical in the 1890s. Today, gas lamps can still be seen in places that want to preserve historical authenticity.
The word “lantern” gives rise to thoughts of bygone eras, even for those who might not know about the deep history of lanterns. In the most general sense, the device is an encompassed source of light used for illumination. The enclosure was the most important part of this invention, ensuring that the light source would not be extinguished by wind or rain, and reducing the risk of fire if it were to spark or fall. Lanterns are typically constructed using a metal frame that creates four to eight sides with glass windows and a hook on top. Variations can include a round-shaped enclosure or windows made of plastic, paper, or tinplates with holes. The light source can be a candle, liquid oil with a wick, gas with a mantle, or electric.
- August 01, 2022
Is your front porch a little lackluster? Consider lighting it with lanterns. Returning to popularity, these light fixtures come in a slew of styles you’ll have to read (or, you know, see) to believe. If you want to make the best impression on your house guests, here’s our guide to picking the perfect style of lanterns for your front door.
Classic French: This is most likely what comes to mind when you think of outdoor lanterns. The bronze metal and curved, curling details are straight out of New Orleans. You can’t really go wrong with two of these classic pieces on your porch…but don’t make any decisions just yet.
Traditional: Don’t let “traditional” fool you into thinking these are boring or average. Traditional lanterns, typically beveled glass panels in timeless metal frames, have clean